Do you suffer from flushing, persistent erythema (redness), papules and pustules (lump and bumps) and telangiectasia (dilated blood capillaries)???

These are symptoms of Rosacea, a chronic inflammatory skin condition. Rosacea usually presents itself between the age of 30-50. It is more common in women but more severe in men. Rosacea more commonly affects people with lighter skin types.

The exact cause of rosacea is unknown!  However, research suggests it can be due to a combination of factors including genetics and trigger factors.

Avoiding The Trigger Factors

It is thought that certain environmental and lifestyle factors contribute to the exacerbation of these triggers

  •  UV Exposure
  • Temperature changes
  • Exercise
  • Spicy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Cosmetic formulations
  • Emotional stress

What can I do?

Rosacea can be controlled and managed.

Skin care and advice – Find someone who is highly qualified and knows skin well. A skin care regime with high quality ingredients can make a huge difference.

Avoid the trigger factors – If you know a certain triggers factor flares up your skin, try to avoid it.

Moisturiser and SPF – Rosacea is believed to change enzyme levels in your skin allowing your skin to lose more water then normal.  A good moisturiser can be your life saver.

Dermal skin treatments – Dermal clinicians offer many skin treatments to help manage your rosacea including diathermy, laser and resurfacing treatments.

If you think you have Rosacea it is best for you to see someone qualified in the skin indusry who can help you manage and control your symptoms

Please comment below if you have any questions or if your suffer from rosacea? I would love to hear how you manage your symptoms?

Picture: April 2017

9 thoughts on “My face feels like it is on fire!

    1. Hi Kasey, lighter skin types are more commonly affected by rosacea due to the nature of the skin being more affected/stimulated by UV exposure. UV exposure is one of the main trigger factors which can cause lighter skins to flush and develop dilated capillaries which also contribute to rosacea.
      Regards Sonia.


    1. Hi Stuart, any of the trigger factors I mentioned can flare up rosacea. Each person’s skin responds differently therefore it could be any trigger factor and not necessarily a combination of trigger factors.
      Thanks, Sonia


  1. I currently manage my rosacea with a good cleanser and moisturiser, however I am considering dermal treatments but unsure what benefits other than an immediate short term improvement. What are other benefits of dermal skin treatments?


    1. Hi Leanne, that’s great you able to manage your rosacea with a cleanser and moisturiser. There are four different sub types of rosacea, I would recommend seeing a dermal clinician and having a full skin analysis. They will be able to assist you with the correct dermal treatment for you subtype of Rosacea.
      Some of the dermal treatments used to help manage rosacea include Laser for redness and dilated capillaries and Resurfacing treatments such as microdermabrasion and chemical peels to manage papules/pustules and uneven skin texture.
      Thanks Sonia


    1. Hi Mary, yes I still see many people on doxycycaline for the treatment of acne rosacea. There are also many dermal therapy treatments options to help with acne rosacea. A dermal clinician will be able to do an extensive skin analysis and advise you on best treatments and skin care for this condition. Skin clinics generally sell high quality skin care products and would be a great option if you are wanting to purchase skin care.
      Thanks Sonia


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